Friday, August 29, 2008


You may be planning to engage an Architect or have already engaged one for the construction of your house. You need to be aware of what an Architect can do for you, his responsibilities and his unique assets that will give you an advantage by involving him in the construction of your house.
You may be curious about his educational qualifications and may want to know about famous Architects and their contributions to Society in the past and present.
You definitely would want to know the conditions of engagement which includes the Architect's scope of services, the professional fees charged by him, the schedule of payment as well as what to do when you go to meet one.
In case you don't know of any Architect, you could look for one, near your site from the list of Architects.
This chapter gives you all this information on Architects which will help you when you are engaging one. Click on your your topic of interest:

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